

Thursday, November 1, 2012

TODAY BLASTTT of 7,000 + GAINS - DO NOT MISS NEW CHARGES FROM 15TH NOVEMBERS - JOIN TODAY FOR 12,000 FOR 12 MONTHS - MAIL US AT sokhitrading@gmail.com or call at 09239 176 426

Dear Investors,

Many blog readers are thinking that we shall ROLL OUT NEW OFFERS for DIWALI but let us tell you all that we have decided to increase the PRICES of our FUT + OPTIONS SERVICES from 15th NOVEMBER - SO IF YOU ARE STILL WAITING to JOIN - JOIN TODAY for only 12,000 for 12 months - rush ur mails to sokhitrading@gmail.com or call at 09239 176 426 between 12pm to 7 pm....

TODAY we BOT HAVELLS FUT at 578 and BOOKED at 584 lot 500 - PROFITS 3,000 PER LOT

THEN we BOT TATACHEM fut at 322 and exited at 321.50 lot 1000 - LOSS 500 PER LOT

THEN we BOT ORIENTAL BANK FUT at 304 and BOOKED at 310 lot 1000 - PROFITS 6,000 PER LOT


HENCE we ended the day with 7,000+ GAINS - DO NOT MISS THIS BLASTTT GUYS - JUST REMEMBERS u NEED only 3,000 - 4,000 DAILY GAINS to MINT 1 LAC in a MONTH - JOIN US BEFORE THE RATES are HIKED - rush ur mails to sokhitrading@gmail.com

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